In this tutorial, we will explore a Berkeley admission dataset and learn how to
- visualize a dataset including categorical variables
- play around with a dataset, e.g. data wrangling, tidying, acquisition
- think critically as a statistician
The tutorial is based on datasciencebox.org.
Berkeley admission data
- Study carried out by the Graduate Division of the University of California, Berkeley in the early 70’s to evaluate whether there was a gender bias in graduate admissions.
- The data come from six departments. For confidentiality we’ll call them A-F.
- We have information on whether the applicant was male or female and whether they were admitted or rejected.
head(ucbadmit, n = 5)
lets you take a quick look at the first part of a
data-storing object. We can specify how many rows we’d like to see
through the argument n
retrieves the dimension of an object. How many
applicants are there in the dataset? What information (features) do we
know about each individual?
Basic statistics
Question of interest
- In plain English: Is there any gender bias in the admission process, e.g. males are more likely to be admitted than females?
- Formulating with a bit statistics: Is the percentage of males admitted indeed higher than females?
- That is, to compare (1) the percentage of admitted males out of all the male applicants and (2) the percentage of admitted females out of all the female applicants.
tbl_perc <- table(ucbadmit$admit, ucbadmit$gender)
tbl_perc <- table(ucbadmit$admit, ucbadmit$gender)
tbl_perc[2, 1] / (tbl_perc[1, 1] + tbl_perc[2, 1]) # female
tbl_perc[2, 2] / (tbl_perc[1, 2] + tbl_perc[2, 2]) # male
sum(ucbadmit$admit == "Admitted" & ucbadmit$gender == "Female") / sum(ucbadmit$gender == "Female")
sum(ucbadmit$admit == "Admitted" & ucbadmit$gender == "Male") / sum(ucbadmit$gender == "Male")
Let’s visualize it!
ggplot(ucbadmit, aes(y = gender, fill = admit)) + # specify the variables for the y axis and color
geom_bar(position = "fill") + # we want a barplot
labs(title = "Admit by gender", # add a plot title
y = NULL, x = NULL) + # remove axis titles
theme_classic() + theme(legend.position = "bottom") # nice aesthetics
What if we look at it by department?
ggplot(ucbadmit, aes(y = gender, fill = admit)) +
geom_bar(position = "fill") +
facet_wrap(. ~ dept) + # separate plots by department
scale_x_continuous(labels = label_percent()) + # specify x axis label
labs(title = "Admissions by gender and department",
x = NULL, y = NULL, fill = NULL) +
theme_classic() + theme(legend.position = "bottom")
What do you notice when comparing the department-specific barplots with the barplot of the six departments combined?
ggplot(ucbadmit, aes(y = gender, fill = admit)) +
geom_bar(position = "fill") +
labs(title = "Admit by gender",
y = NULL, x = NULL) +
theme_classic() + theme(legend.position = "bottom")
Simpson’s Paradox
A motivating example
What if we try to fit the relationship between two variables on x and
y axis?
What is there is actually a third variable we were not aware of
- Not considering an important variable when studying a relationship can result in Simpson’s paradox
- Simpson’s paradox illustrates the effect that omission of an explanatory variable can have on the measure of association between another explanatory variable and a response variable
- The inclusion of a third variable in the analysis can change the apparent relationship between the other two variables
- Video
- What is the third variable in our analysis of the Berkeley admission data?
- Given the data (evidence) that we have, is there any gender bias in the admission process, e.g. males are more likely to be admitted than females?
- Is there any similar scenario or potential issue you could come up with in our real life?